Friday, August 27, 2010

Fighting Fish

Mine. I just love white.  :)
I named it Mrs.Number9
Baby's. Nice tail.  :D
For sure baby named it Mr.Number9

Bought these 2 babies at pasar malam just now.
So nice can?
Hope they can survive more than 3 days la.
I will love them as how much I love you dear.
They are our babies so I won't let them fight in the small small aquarium.

Baby was going to put them homed.  Wee~
This was the second time I went pasar malan with baby.
We bought the fighting fishes as we were affected by the movie Ice Kacang Puppy Love.
Have you watched it?

Ugly look.  = =
The goodies.
The long Roti John.
Our dinner.
Used up RM52 added with the transport fee.
Start counting for the days that our babies stay with us.

Rest in peace for those Hong Kong-ians who had been killed by those stupid robbers and noob policemen.
Seriously hope that such case wouldn't happen in Malaysia.
4 out of 10 decedents were killed by the so-called policemen.
What the phuck?
Thumbs up for doing such a stupid asshole brainless job.



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