Saturday, April 3, 2010

ǝpısdn uʍop .

ɟı ǝɥʇ plɹoʍ sı ƃuıoƃ oʇ ǝq ǝpısdn uʍop

ʍoɥ plnoʍ noʎ lǝǝɟ

ʇsnɾ ǝʞıl sıɥʇ

uɐɔ noʎ ʎllɐǝɹ puɐʇsɹǝpun ¿

ʍoɥ ʇnoqɐ ɹnoʎ plɹoʍ suɹnʇ oʇ ǝq ǝpısdn uʍop ǝuo ʎɐp¿

Hey people. How do you feel with the upside down reading?
Enjoy or just act like @#!$^%*?
Apologize here okayy.
I am just too free, and start to play with the upside down words.
Not easy okay. I have to reverse the words when I was typing.

Seriously, if your world turns to be upside down one day, how?


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